Redesign the existing CPA Exam with a laser focus on accessibility and transparency.
Reimagine an existing software license management platform to include interactive data visualizations which provide users with crucial performance and statistical data. Offer two visual themes - light and dark so that users who sit staring at their screens for hours at a time can control their environment. 
Full UX Assessment of Existing Exam Components
Design Workshop to establish the visual style of the project
Stakeholder Interviews
Existing User Interviews
Determine Environmental Requirements
User Research - interviewing stakeholders and engineers who use the current product
Sketching and Wireframes which quickly transform into rapid prototyping 
User Testing of prototypes, iterations, more testing, iterations, more testing
Fully visually designed screens 
User Testing
A/B Testing of two different layouts
11 Accountants and CPAs
6 students studying to take the exam
And this was only the first round… because of the extremely high stakes nature of this test, evidenced based decisions were more important than ever. It was crucial that we test, iterate, test, iterate, etc until there were no assumptions being made.
The test launched six months later to rave reviews from the CPA community. Read them here!
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